Montgomery County Educational Media Staff Association
Elected Officer Descriptions
President (1 year term, 3 year commitment)
• Advocates on behalf of the organization, in collaboration with the Officers and Governing Board, on issues and policies related to the association’s mission and the school library media profession
• Presides at general meetings of the association and at Governing Board meetings unless responsibility has been delegated to another member
• Disseminates information and decisions made by MCEMSA to members and other concerned parties
President-Elect (1 year term, 3 year commitment)
• Succeeds to the presidency upon completion of the president's term
• Chairs the Nominating Committee
• Coordinates professional development and networking event programming
Past President (1 year term, 3 year commitment)
• Accepts delegated duties to assist the president
Secretary (2 year term)
• Takes notes at all meetings (both Executive Board and regular), including action
minutes and decision items
• E-mails the minutes to the Executive Board in a timely fashion
Treasurer (2 year term)
• Prepares a working budget
• Deposits funds and pays bills
• Prepares a monthly treasurer's report
• Balances the checkbook and resolves any financial issues
MCEMSA Revised December 2009